New Year, New Skills

You might be wondering why your business should focus your already limited time on courses or apprenticeships to learn new skills in 2023 for your employees. Enhancing skillsets is scientifically proven to benefit individuals in ways you may not be aware of, increasing happiness and advancing careers to name a few. Still unsure if your company should undertake new courses this year? See below some of the benefits of growing employees' skill sets.

Mental Wellbeing
Did you know learning new information and developing new abilities aids mental well-being? When you learn something new and expand your knowledge, you have a feeling of purpose and accomplishment. This enables people to feel confident and boosts self-esteem as well as appreciating their worth by supporting self-development.

According to Indeed one of the top five reasons employees leave is due to poor career growth and development. The loss of talent can result in the loss of business and valuable customer relationships. It can negatively impact staff morale, leading to reduced productivity and, often, the departure of other talents. Then, add into this the costs of recruiting and training new staff which essentially increase operating costs and cut into profits.

Developing the skills of your current employees is a proven method for retaining high performers and expanding the capabilities of existing staff. Knowledge of an organisation’s development and training plan for the workforce will enable you to hire and attract highly adaptable professionals. Enquire today to discover the right courses or apprenticeships for your employees’ development.